How do I setup Orbits2SB with the 4520 wireless unit?

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How do I setup Orbits2SB with the 4520 wireless unit?

Postby BennyT » Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:03 pm

I thought I understood how the Orbits2SB program worked until I helped my cousin set up his Top 5 scoreboard. I missed something on the front end and the lap and time board did not work. He got it working temporarily for his race but it would be nice to know if we have everything setup correctly.
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Re: How do I setup Orbits2SB with the 4520 wireless unit?

Postby raceamerica » Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:33 pm

Both MyLaps Orbits and Westhold Race Manager output lap times and vehicle information as a scoreboard feed known as Rmonitor. This is enabled in the transponder software located under the Scoreboard Settings screen. The scoreboard settings also contains an IP Address and a Port number (usually 50000) used by the Orbits2SB RaceAmerica program. Do not enable the COM Port feed, use the IP Network feed.

Once the Rmonitor scoreboard feed is enabled, the next step is to install the Orbits2SB RaceAmerica software. The installation process will also install the drivers for the 4520/4620 Wireless Unit used to communicate wirelessly with the scoreboard. Once the installation is complete, plug the USB cable into the PC and the other end into the 4520/4620 Wireless Unit.

Once the Orbits2SB software is installed, run the program and select the COM Port from the pulldown list. If multiple COM Ports appear and you are not sure which port is correct, note the available COM selections in the pulldown list. Quit the Orbits2SB program and unplug the USB cable from the 4520/4620 Wireless Unit, then run the Orbits2SB program again. Note which port is now missing from the pulldown list. This is the COM Port for the 4520/4620 Wireless Unit. Quit the Orbits2SB program again and plug the USB cable back into the 4520/4620. Run the Orbits2SB program and select the COM Port.

To test if the 4520/4620 is communicating to the scoreboard, click on the TEST button and all 8's will fill the scoreboards. Click CLEAR to blank the scoreboards.

To test if the Orbits2SB is receiving the Rmonitor data, run the Orbits or Race Manager software with the Scoreboard Feed enabled. Click in the ENABLE SERVER box in the Orbits2SB software. The status of the connection will be noted.

At this point you are ready to go!
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Re: How do I setup Orbits2SB with the 4520 wireless unit?

Postby BennyT » Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:53 am

Well, my cousin's race track will be open for events in about a month and he asked me to help with technical issues. The Top 5 scoreboard was working fine when the track shut down but now works inconsistently. Let me list the issues, by the way, I upgraded the Orbits2SB software to A.11 revision, which I think is the latest:

1 - the TEST button does not light up the scoreboards with 8's as it once did.
2 - the NO APHLA button is no longer removing the alphabet from the car number and 27B shows as 7B.
3 - the lap/time scoreboard is erratic flashing times randomly as cars cross the start line.
4 - selecting race or qualifying does not display lap count or display like it used to.

Any ideas?
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Re: How do I setup Orbits2SB with the 4520 wireless unit?

Postby raceamerica » Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:12 am

Your list of non functional features sounds like the Orbits2SB software is not sending updates to the scoreboards. The Orbits2SB software listens to the Rmonitor feed from Orbits and Race Manager, then massages the data for the scoreboard's use, then sends it to the scoreboards. If the Rmonitor feed is sent directly to the scoreboards, the scoreboards will act a bit erratic and all the functions of the Orbits2SB software will not work.

Make sure the scoreboard settings in Orbits and Race Manager are set to send data to the IP address and the COM settings are disabled otherwise the Rmonitor will tie up the 4520/2620 wireless connection and block the Orbits2SB software from accessing the COM port of the 4520/4620.

Also ensure the port is set to 50000 and the network connection is enabled. You will know when things are configured properly when the TEST button sends all 8's to the scoreboards.
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