Can I remove the car suffix characters from the car number?

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Can I remove the car suffix characters from the car number?

Postby BennyT » Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:05 am

Several of our entries in Orbits have car numbers like 45XX and 127B. Is there a way to remove the alpha characters and display just the car number on our Top 5 scoreboard? The alpha suffix on our car numbers designate the class the driver is racing in so when all the drivers have the same alpha characters, the scoreboard shows multiple of the same aplha in each position.
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Re: Can I remove the car suffix characters from the car numb

Postby raceamerica » Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:38 am

Yes, using the Orbits2SB program, up to 2 alpha characters can be removed from the car numbers entered in Orbits. OrbitsSB revision A.12 contains the ability to remove the characters. As an example, car number 123XX will display as 23 on the scoreboard with the alpha removal enabled. Car 123XX can also display as 12 if left 2 digits is also enabled.

If your current software is revision A. or higher, revision A.12 has several added features selectable by the user to customize what the scoreboard displays.
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