Top 5 scoreboard shows transponder number not car numbers

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Top 5 scoreboard shows transponder number not car numbers

Postby BennyT » Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:11 am

I helped install a new Top 5 position scoreboard at our racetrack and configure the software. When the cars cross the start line each lap, their transponder numbers are displayed on the scoreboard instead of their car numbers. I checked for the car numbers and they are associated with each driver but they do not display.

How do I fix this? I am using the Westhold transponders and their Race Manager software.
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Re: Top 5 scoreboard shows transponder number not car number

Postby raceamerica » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:33 pm

BennyT wrote:How do I fix this? I am using the Westhold transponders and their Race Manager software.

There is a setting in the Race Manager software to output the transponder number or the car number titled "Use unique ID for Registration Field". It is located on the Setup Page under Rmonitor as shown in the screenshot below. Click on the checkbox to disable (remove check) the use of transponder number. Note that some other apps use the Rmonitor feed and can display incorrect results on those apps when two cars have identical numbers, The Top 5 positions will display the car number associated with each position and the same number will appear in the correct position when two cars have identical car numbers and are among the top 5 leader positions.
Setup screenshot
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Re: Top 5 scoreboard shows transponder number not car number

Postby BennyT » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:52 pm

I am here at the track and made the change in the software and that did the trick! A quick note when we have two cars in the same heat with the same number, one of them gets an A or B or X added to differentiate the two. I also select to use the rightmost two car number digits in the RaceAmerica Orbits2SB software interface so these two cars show up differently on the scoreboard.
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Re: Top 5 scoreboard shows transponder number not car number

Postby raceamerica » Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:12 am

Good input. The default setting for the Orbits2SB software is to use the two or three rightmost digits (depending on how many digits your scoreboard can display). The other option is to use the 2 or 3 leftmost digits.
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