Dakimmer wrote:A little confusing which one I should be using. Help!
There are three versions of PC software available to control Track Safety Lights and/or Digital Safety Flags:
3125A TrackSafety - to control wireless TSLs with full flag design and smartphone control
3125X TrackSafetyEX - to control IP Network TSLs with full flag design and smartphone control
3125DX TrackSafetyDigitalEX - to control DSFs or TSLs on the same track with DSFs, both wireless and IP Network based
A few variations are also available:
3125C TrackSafety Lite - to control wireless TSLs, basic control software without full flag design or smartphone control
3125D TrackSafety Lite + Remote Control - to control wireless TSLs, basic & smartphone control software without full flag design
If you have TSLs and DSFs to control together or just DSFs, the 3125DX package is the one.